The staff of the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Moscow entertained Muscovites with the traditional Sinhala, Russian and English carols performed in front of the Embassy building as the last public item of the year 2020.  

The event took place for the first time and was very special for all its participants, as the Sri Lankan staff, including the diplomatic officers, learned such traditional Russian songs as "V lesu rodilas elochka" and "Tihaya noch", while the Russian staff got introduced to "Re tharu babalanawa" and "Bethlehem pure".
The Embassy sends its greetings to Christians on the Christmas, which was celebrated by the Catholics 25 December 2020, and will be celebrated by the Orthodox on 07 January 2021.
The staff of the Embassy also congratulates all Sri Lankans and Russians on the New Year and wishes new endeavors, happiness and health to all!

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