The Embassy in collaboration with the Export Development Board has facilitated B2B virtual meeting enabling Morison PLC and Navesta pharmaceuticals to establish contacts with the biggest pharmaceutical corporation of the Republic of Belarus, JSC Belpharmprom on 28th of December 2021.

JSC Belpharmprom is a holding uniting government and about 30 private companies executing 90% of the total medicines manufacturing in the country with the yearly turnover up to 900 USD.
H.E. the Ambassador opened the event by the welcome speech underlining the importance of the bilateral relations development between the two countries and expressing the intention of the Embassy to facilitate collaboration in pharmaceutical sphere.
Further Mr. Dinesh Athapaththu, Managing Director of Morison Limited and Mr. Sanjaya Jayarathne, Chairman of Navesta pharmaceuticals shared comprehensive presentations on the main activities of the companies, describing their products and capacities.
During the following discussion the JSC Belpharmprom expressed its readiness for collaboration as in Joint Ventures organization as in exporting and importing required medicines, as well as contract manufacturing in Sri Lanka.